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May 28, 2020
A fish out of water – the next stage of your evolution
As with all things COVID, our time in isolation has helped highlight many things that we thought we had dealt with, but now under the...

May 24, 2020
How do I align to the "New Earth" energy?
I've been talking recently about the final "arrival" of the New Earth energy. I don't want to give the impression that it has come in...

May 10, 2020
Clarity in relationships – what is selfish and what is self-love?
For many of us drawn to Reiki, we are natural empaths – people who care for others, and sometimes this means we care too much about being...

May 1, 2020
Balancing Mind/Body/Spirit is crucial in these times
We all know we are not only our thoughts, we also have a body, and most of us appreciate we also have a spirit or "vital spark" that...

Mar 29, 2020
Step into the Unknown
During these extraordinary times we are facing the unknown. We cannot plan, we have no idea what is around the corner, our egos are...

Mar 13, 2020
Investigate your fear around COVID 19, is it just the "New Earth" energy?
With the world gripped by fear and panic around coronavirus, the energetic tremors are palpable. Its hard not to be sucked into the...

Feb 24, 2020
True Abundance - Why your Law of Attraction tools don't work!
True abundance is not something you grasp outside of yourself, it must begin with the knowledge that you already are what you seek. When...

Apr 5, 2019
Reiki is a Spiritual Journey
For those of us who see Reiki as a sacred spiritual journey it is bamboozling, saddening, and slightly frustrating when you have...

Jan 29, 2019
Act like tomorrow is already here
I was reading a review on Adyashanti recently where the critic was complaining Adya doesn’t really have a consistent methodology. ...

Oct 19, 2018
Inner peace but outer chaos?
I received an interesting question via email recently, the person writing to me obviously had been doing quite a lot of self-development...

Sep 2, 2018
Inner peace, life flow, and fairy tales
Working with Reiki for the past two decades has brought me immeasurable peace, joy, direction, guidance and love. The practice has...

Mar 17, 2018
Intimacy through deep listening
Listening is a totally misunderstood skill that – when done properly – creates intimacy, a sense of being understood, and a sense of...

Feb 28, 2018
Dealing with your Intuitive/Empathic/Psychic nature
I often get emails asking for help around the issue of ‘opening’. For many of us, as children, we had abilities beyond what our adult...

Nov 7, 2016
How to Meditate Properly – Three Top Myths
Think Meditation is about clearing the mind? Sitting in uncomfortable positions? Believe Meditation should give you inner peace? Think...

Oct 11, 2016
Writing your Ideal Scene
The first time I wrote this I was living in Long Island, New York. To be honest I wasn’t in a very good space mentally, physically or...

Sep 28, 2016
Close the Gap
Often we overlook the fact that in our personal growth the only thing we need to focus on is the gap between reality, and our...

Apr 30, 2016
Spirituality and Reiki
I was asked some very interesting questions around spirituality and Reiki recently, and they really helped to focus my thoughts around...

Sep 30, 2015
The Three Directions of Suffering
As we progress in our spiritual growth, we begin to see there are three distinct ways of dealing with any emotional upheaval. Such...

Sep 22, 2015
Empowering ourselves with Reiki
I was so touched a few evenings ago when my 11 year old daughter thanked me for giving her Reiki in her hands. It came up in a...

Sep 25, 2014
Body, Mind, Spirit or Car, Driver, Road
This analogy came to me recently, and you all know I love a good analogy! As I was pondering how to talk about the importance of...
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