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May 1, 2020
Balancing Mind/Body/Spirit is crucial in these times
We all know we are not only our thoughts, we also have a body, and most of us appreciate we also have a spirit or "vital spark" that...

Mar 29, 2020
Step into the Unknown
During these extraordinary times we are facing the unknown. We cannot plan, we have no idea what is around the corner, our egos are...

Mar 18, 2020
Setting up online alternatives - Reiki workshops
I have been offering online workshops since 2014 and experimented and tested distance attunements for an entire year before that as I was...

Mar 14, 2020
Setting up online Reiki alternatives - Reiki healing
Now that most of the world has imposed lockdowns and Reiki healing is essentially outlawed, it is imperative that we get online. But...

Mar 13, 2020
Investigate your fear around COVID 19, is it just the "New Earth" energy?
With the world gripped by fear and panic around coronavirus, the energetic tremors are palpable. Its hard not to be sucked into the...

Mar 12, 2020
Reiki in the time of coronavirus COVID-19
Reiki helps to strengthen our immune system, create more peace and calm in our lives, and keep us steady in times of turmoil. It would...

Feb 24, 2020
True Abundance - Why your Law of Attraction tools don't work!
True abundance is not something you grasp outside of yourself, it must begin with the knowledge that you already are what you seek. When...

Jan 24, 2020
The Aim of your Reiki Self-treatment
The inward looking intention is the first step on the spiritual journey, using Reiki as a means for self-observation and mindfulness is...

Jan 2, 2020
What are the Usui 5 Principles really?
I received an interesting question recently regarding the Usui Principles, asking what I thought about changing the sentences to more...

Jan 1, 2020
My Reiki Lineage
For those interested in my Reiki Centre lineage:

Dec 27, 2019
Feeling Sensations During Reiki Self-treatment
What if you can't feel any sensations when you do your Reiki self-treatment? I give a few tips as to how to deepen your connection with...

Dec 27, 2019
Meditating while doing chores
A deeper look at what meditation is, the coming into the present moment. Meditation is what is left when you are not thinking, and can...

Dec 9, 2019
Writing your 2020 best life!
Towards the end of the year we get ready for the writing of our Ideal Scene, this video takes you through how to do it so that you are...

Nov 27, 2019
The Importance of Lineage
Excerpt from Reiki - A Path to Freedom During the attunement process, the Reiki master is taught a ritual to follow. This ritual is...

Nov 23, 2019
Take Your Experiences above Your Theories
Excerpt from Reiki - A Path to Freedom Take time to notice the qualities of your personal experiences with Reiki, and of the deep places...

May 20, 2019
Take care when mixing Reiki with other modalities
We are blessed with Reiki in that there are no contraindications, no way to imbalance our clients, no diagnosis necessary or recommended....

May 2, 2019
Teachers, Resonance and Life Path
Teachers come into our lives at important moments to assist us in our growth and along our life path. But expecting them to be perfect...

Apr 5, 2019
Reiki is a Spiritual Journey
For those of us who see Reiki as a sacred spiritual journey it is bamboozling, saddening, and slightly frustrating when you have...

Mar 4, 2019
Reiki Master Teacher Diploma 500 hours, no ‘add-ons’!
Although the Reiki Centre Master Teacher Certificate is already over 200 hours of study and workshops, there is always room for greater...

Mar 4, 2019
Don’t believe in Reiki, believe in the human spirit
“How much do I/you really believe in Reiki?” is a common question for students, Masters in training, clients, and our own family...
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