What is the difference between the Chakra treatment and the full 12 body positions? Can I split the treatments into two half hour segments? What if I just Reiki a few areas of my body? People have lots of Reiki treatment related questions especially when trying to figure out what is the most effective way to do self-healing. The following breakdown will hopefully give some insights and help you to decide what is the best treatment protocol for you.
Reiki is culmulative, so the more you do, the more you get. Its 100% fair and easy to figure out – Reiki in, results out….simple! There are no shortcuts with Reiki and you cannot expect miracles if you are only prepared to do 5 minutes a day, yet I have seen miracles for those willing to commit a full hour a day.
At the most basic level, if you use Reiki casually, like for first aid, headaches, stomach pains etc then you will get healing on that topical level. Most of us use Reiki in this way and experience quick results – a first aid tool in our very hands! The advantages of casual Reiki is in the quick healing, release of pain and discomfort and can be used on any injury, accident, or acute disease. Very simply, apply Reiki where it hurts! The disadvantage of casual Reiki is in the name – it is casual, and due to its topical nature will not move you deeply or spiritually.
When we move into a deeper treatment, we could say the next level of healing is in balancing our energy centres or Chakras. Many teachers emphasize the importance of balancing and healing these centres and I am no exception. A balanced Chakra system allows you to be present and also to respond to life rather than knee jerking into an often inappropriate or close-minded reaction. The advantage of the Chakra balancing treatment is that it maintains an important foundation for spiritual growth and development, as well as allowing you to remain centred and present. The disadvantages is that it does not work on what we call ‘iceberg’ issues.
Finally we come to the 12 body positions, or the full body treatment. In some teachings there are more or less positions, it is not relevant. The main focus, however, is in establishing Reiki healing throughout the body for a long length of time – ideally an hour. The hour is important as it establishes both self-commitment, and also the ideal time to go into a remain in meditation. For more beginner it takes the body 20 minutes to settle into meditation when doing Reiki. This means that the treatment then has 40 minutes of beneficial meditation in which deep healing can occur. The advantages of this treatment is the spiritual growth that follows and the deep healing that can occur in otherwise chronic health conditions. This treatment works on the ‘iceberg’ issues, reaching to the root cause of illnesses, emotional trauma and stuck or rigid thinking. The disadvantage is simple – it takes time, commitment and discipline to do this consistently and people often sabotage themselves when they start to see real and positive growth. The ego hates a strong spiritual identity 😉
Looking at these three different ways of practicing it is easy to predict your rate of healing – if you use your Reiki casually on yourself and others, expect comfort and throw away your painkillers, but nothing more. If you spend your time balancing your Chakras, expect life to be centred and yourself to be more open to things that come your way – but watch out for those old habits and patterns of thinking that eventually will make you feel stuck and that Reiki isn’t ‘strong enough’. If you focus on the whole body treatment and do Reiki diligently for an hour, day in day out, year in year out…expect miracles!