During this time of uncertainty there are many important things we need to be doing to keep ourselves resilient, calm, healthy and happy. Could it be that Reiki provides all these answers in one easy to use package?
The recent Reiki Centre survey would say YES!
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning ‘Universal life force’ and is an easy to learn and popular self-help technique. The steady rise in popularity of this practice is partly due to its ease of use, simply placing your hands on your body, with no arduous requirements or training. The hands become focal points for the body to come into a deep state of balance, and through this an innate healing and resetting takes place.
Reiki has long had its fans and many celebrities are amongst the millions who use Reiki daily. The latest survey by The Reiki Centre helps to bring quantifiable evidence to the efficacy of this well-loved practice.
The Global Reiki Survey of nearly 1,300 people who use Reiki as a self-practice covered emotional/mental measures, physical health and lifestyle changes. Respondents were asked to rate their levels of improvement since beginning a Reiki practice.
92% of Reiki users report more peace and 85% less stress.
The range of improvements is impressive with better mental/emotional wellbeing topping the list:
87% report less anger,
86% less anxiety and worry,
and 84% more happiness.
Thousands of personal stories and testimonials covered an enormous range of positive differences people experience once beginning a Reiki self-practice. The common theme weaving through the data and feedback was that Reiki was life-changing.
I had Postpartum Depression. Reiki pulled me out of a very dark place.
Constadina V, USA
Emotional health and resilience, inner peace and strength even through very hard times.
Carolyn C, USA
I am more creative. Reiki opens up a new world for self-development, I am more active and more self-confident.
S.G., Poland
Reiki changed my life.
Gabor, Hungary
Asked about their physical wellbeing, 80% found they suffered from less colds/flu, 72% saw improvements in headaches/migraines and 69% found improvement in muscle cramp/pain. 66% reported improved sleep. But the range of illness that improved with Reiki was extremely broad:
I'm a quadriplegic with chronic pain issues as well. If I couldn't do self-treatments I would be much worse.
Carl A., USA
Cardiomyopathy from heart attack and high cholesterol. I continue to beat the odds! Doc calls me a walking miracle. No stints, or defibrillator and I live a normal life.
Tammy F, USA
The Lupus I had has completely gone asymptomatic
Sandi R. R., USA
I had breast cancer 6 years cancer free I believe Reiki helped me in dealing with shock and getting through surgery, radiation and all treatment.
Tonya, USA
My Lyme disease causes various symptoms, including swollen lymph nodes that stay swollen - but they cause me almost no pain or worry now.
Beth B, Singapore
Had chronic fatigue and significant pain 20 years ago and gradually improved when I learnt Reiki. Although I am over 70yrs now I still feel the benefit through regular self-treatment.
Flossy S, UK
All symptoms of fibromyalgia are gone; no depression anymore
Tabine Z, Netherlands
I was using a wheelchair due to my Multiple Sclerosis disease progression in 2005. I am not using the wheelchair at all now; I use a walker or crutch instead - it is 2020.
Cecilia B, South Africa
These results are aided by a simple self-practice of resting with the hands placed on different areas of the body. The hands are seen as conduits of Reiki, focal points to help the body balance. You could say the energy comes from a ‘universal’ source, or that the body and mind are aligning with life force or flow. 87% of Respondents notice sensations in their hands – often heat or tingling.
As long as a regular practice is applied, even relatively short treatments can produce excellent changes – as short as half an hour a day produced improvements in overall wellness for 91% of respondents. After a very short time of resting with the hands on the body a deep relaxation occurs. The mind calms into a deep sense of meditation without any effort. When asked to describe the results of a Reiki self-practice the most common adjectives were “relaxed”, “peaceful” and “calm” but also “energised”, “joyous”, “connected and whole”, “focused and clear”, “healed”, “refreshed”.
The beauty of a Reiki self-practice lies in the short time it takes to learn the process. A Reiki beginners course (Reiki Level 1) is traditionally carried out over a one or two day face to face workshop, but the survey also reported equally good results for respondents who took online courses. This is of particular relevance to the growth of online alternatives since COVID-19. Many Reiki teachers are venturing online either through recorded videos and materials or via live video classes.
The key to learning Reiki is to make sure your Reiki teacher is doing live ‘attunements’. The attunement process is what activates the Reiki to flow out of your hands. And as odd as that may sound is the unique offering that Reiki provides as opposed to meditation or other mindfulness practices. The attunement is what makes Reiki different from many other healing modalities. Unlike other practices that also help to balance the body’s flow of energy such as Chi Gung or Tai Chi, yoga or meditation, breathwork or tapping exercises – Reiki does not require practice. Once the student has completed Reiki Level 1 and the attunements that accompany the class, the flow of Reiki is automatic. The self-practice is simply finding the time and discipline to regularly rest for 20-30 minutes (traditionally 1 hour but the findings suggest shorter times are also very effective) moving your hands to different areas of your body, often referred to as a Reiki ‘treatment’.
The benefits are very quick and do not require years of practice. Respondents with less than one year of Reiki experience gain wonderful results. 90% of respondents report an improvement in overall wellness, 85% report more peace, 83% less stress and 80% less worry/anxiety.
Over time these improvements deepen more significantly bringing lasting peace, contentment and happiness. Reiki can help awaken an internal connection to our own authenticity and inner truth. For many, it is the missing link to feeling whole.
Complete life change for the better. Work, residence and friends. This also rippled out to my adult children, their life improved because mine did.
I am less anxious. I feel I have befriended myself. I trust myself more and know I can help myself with Reiki no matter what life brings me.
Carol W, Falkland Islands
Inner peace and connection.
Alexa R, South Africa
The feeling of peace and well-being is amazing. I have noticed a significant difference in all areas of my life.
Jeanette R, UK
In a time when so much uncertainty fills the media, our conversations, and what we see around us, it is heartening to know there is such a simple and effective self-help solution. Learning Reiki is easy and with the growing online alternatives, easily available. The practice of Reiki at home is simple and provides relief and balance both mentally/emotionally and also physically by helping your immune system. The data suggests that Reiki can provide mental resilience in this time of enormous change, as well as an important health booster.
We all know that finding time to de-stress, to be mindful, and to do some kind of meditative practice is important. But how many of us actually take the time and effort to do it? Could Reiki be the technique you have been waiting for? Something so easy, so soothing and so immediate that once you begin your practice it’s easy to keep going? The results speak for themselves!
To see the Summary Findings and download the 113 page Full Report:
About Elaine Hamilton Grundy
Elaine has been a Reiki teacher for 25 years. She has also spent a decade in corporate market research, putting it to good use to manage this Global Reiki Survey. She founded the Reiki Centre, Singapore in 2007 and has trained thousands of people in the gentle and effective art of Reiki. She offers online classes, gatherings and a wonderful online community to help people interested in thriving in the new normal. Elaine is author of “Reiki, Pure and Simple, a beginners guide to Reiki and an advanced guide to spiritual integrity “Reiki – A Path to Freedom” published last year.
See www.Reiki-Centre.com for online beginners classes, or try a free online Reiki gathering and guided meditation.