We started this chakra series with the Root Chakra article two weeks ago, we hope it has helped your understanding of your first chakra! The subject of chakras is actually very extensive, so what we aim to do here is to give you a general overview, as well as suggestions to strengthen and support each chakra. Moving on this week, we are looking at the second chakra, your Sacral Chakra.
Located two inches below the navel, the Sanskrit name for the Sacral Chakra is Swadhisthana, which means “one’s own abode”. The Sacral Chakra has six petals, which match the following modes of consciousness, also known as vrittis: affection, pitilessness, feeling of all-destructiveness, delusion, disdain and suspicion, and is the seat of creativity, sexuality, and emotions. It relates to the developmental age of about 3 to 8 years old – this is when the child is learning to relate to others and is in the self-exploratory stage. The colour of the Sacral Chakra is orange, and its element, water. It is associated with the sense of taste, as this chakra is affected by physical pleasures such as food.
The Sacral Chakra governs physical pleasure, creativity, sexuality, sensuality, intimacy, your body, relationships and basic emotional needs. In our physical body, it rules the reproductive organs, the urinary system, lower back, lower intestine and kidneys. When our Sacral Chakra is in balance, we have healthy relationships, sexual fulfillment, and are able to express our feelings without being overly emotional. We are sociable, creative, able to “go with the flow” and accept change, and we love and feel positive about ourselves.
If our Sacral Chakra is not in balance, we feel insecure about ourselves, and may be in manipulative and controlling relationships – we may either be on the receiving end of the behaviour, or the one displaying it. We may be either stiff and unemotional, or overly emotional, and be ruled by excessively strong emotions like hysteria, mood swings, over-sensitivity and jealousy. We may have addictions related to pleasure (ie food, drinks, sex etc). Possible physical problems may be fertility and sexual issues, lower back pain, urinary or kidney issues.
Nourishing your Sacral Chakra and keeping it in balance
A balanced diet, “chakracises”, and integrating the colour orange into your wardrobe are some ways to keep your Sacral Chakra healthy and in balance. Below are some suggestions on what you can do:
Sweet fruit: melons, mangos, strawberries, passion fruit, coconut, etc.
Orange colour fruit / food: oranges, carrots, tangerines etc
Nuts: almonds, walnuts, etc.
Spices: cinnamon, vanilla, carob, sweet paprika, sesame seeds, caraway seeds
Pelvic thrusts and circular pelvis movements are good chakracises for the Sacral Chakra. Yoga poses that uses the pelvic muscles are recommended too.
Vanilla, Sandalwood, Orange, Patchouli, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang
Orange Calcite (cleansing and activating) Coral Calcite (amplifier) Moonstone (balancing) Orange Carnelian (healing) Snowflake Obsidian (calming) Citrine (cleansing and energizing) Orange Aventurine (opening) Leopardskin Jasper (protecting)
Do share with us your own tips! 🙂
photo credit: Rob.Bertholf Fresh Pressed Juice via photopin (license)